Alagappa School chennai


The students are grouped into 4 teams (houses), Jaguar, Falcon, Tiger and Stallion to highlight a competitive spirit, team work and leadership qualities. The school conducts inter – house sports competitions and the rolling shield is awarded by the end of the year to the best house.

Regular games are conducted from 3.10 to 4.00pm on days specified for each class from std VI and upwards under the supervision of qualified and trained instructors’. All track and field events are encouraged and culminate in the annual sports day.

Every year, the sports activities begin with a bang, where our correspondent Dr. Ramanathan Vairavan pins the badges to sports secretaries and the house captains. House matches are conducted regularly for all students.

Dr.Alagappa Memorial (Inter - School) tournament for Volley ball (boys) and Throw ball (girls) is conducted annually. A magnificent Rolling Trophy has been instituted for this event. Our students have won laurels in Tennis, Badminton, Athletics, Skating, Swimming and Fencing at national and international levels.

Online Notice Board

  • Message from Chairman to Buzz Team.
    Dear Shalini and the Buzz Team
    Congratulations on the 10th edition of the newsletter. I like your focus, dedication, and passion to bring life to this newsletter. The graphics are outstanding and the selected topics are of current interest.

    Voice of Alagappa Talent Scout – Preliminary round will be conducted.

    NEET Coaching Class is available.

    Swearing in Ceremony – Student Council.

    Resumption of School Van facility.

    Admissions for Academic Year (2024-2025) – Registrations Commenced.

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    Alagappa Schools – GK Times click here

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