Our Recent Spotlights

DR.UMAYAL ACHI was born on 4th October 1928 at Kottaiyur, Tamil Nadu. Achi’s 96th birth anniversary was celebrated in a grand manner. On 4th October the pictures of Dr. Umayal were displayed on the wall of fame. They also planted many saplings commemorating Achi’s birthday. The dignitaries lighted candles and the event commenced. The celebration continued on the 7th of October 2024. Our choir girls sang “Aachi’sAnthem”, followed by a pushpanjali by Dharika.J of std VI-B. Engal Umayal Achi song was telecast to all the students. A special orchestra rendered a live performance. The band, “Isai Nanal” played on the keyboard and drums Achi’s favorite songs. After that, our primary students performed a dance. The students of std IX, X, XI, and XII lighted candles in front of our Achi’s photo. At the end, chocolates were distributed to all the students.

Alagappa School,Purasaiwalkam, Chennai -84, celebrated its Annual Sports Day on 23 rd August in a remarkable way. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. RamanathanVairavan MS, MBA, Chairman, Alagappa Group of Educational Institutions, The Guests of Honour, Mrs.AlaguVairavanand Dr. Anita Radhakrishnan, Cardiologist, USA , graced the function .The great great grandsons of Dr. Alagappa Chettiar, Master Suriya and Master Shivah, participated in the events with great enthusiasm. The foremost event was an organized March Past of the four houses, Falcon, Jaguar, Stallion, and Tiger, with the school band leading it with Co - ordination and setting the pace and rhythm for the rest of the marching units. In addition to individual and team track events, the day featured an array of fun activities, including Mass drill, Silambam , Zumba, Yoga, and Mega Dance. Mr. Praveen Chithravel, Alagappa schools’ Alumnus, who had qualified at the International level, represented India in the Paris Olympics 2024. He was our Special Guest of Honour on the occasion. The overall championship Trophy was lifted by the Tiger House and the Stallion House bagged the shield for the best March Past.

The students of Eco club in collaboration with 'Green Foundation' has organised an awareness program on 31st August 2024. In order to sensitize students towards the need to preserve our environment, the morning assembly was addressed by Mr. Pasumai Moorthy, Founder and Managing trustee of Green Foundation emphasizing the need for today's tree plantation drive to save our eco system and to preserve the environment for future generations.

Interact Club of Alagappa Schools 2024 - 25 Inauguration Ceremony
The President collar was presented by Rtn.N.Mehul, Interact Chairman - Zone 2, to the incoming Interact President Itr. Mariyam along with her team interactors and the faculty coordinator.

Has won Noble World Record for attempting long duration silambam rotation for 100 hours continuously.

The International Day of Yoga aims to create an awareness worldwide.
Today our school celebrated “Yoga Day” with the two eminent Yoga instructors.
Based on the decision of judges, top 3 models were selected for prize worthy.
Ms Sandhiya M.Sc in Yoga, Gold medallist
Ms Srinithi 12th Student Yoga National Performer and Guiness World Record Holder
The day began with our Vice Principal welcoming the guests for today’s celebration.
The “ World Music Day ” was conducted by the Music Teachers Ms Tharunika and Ms Lakshmi Priya. This program was a part of “Alagappa Performing Arts Academy”. Playing the Musical instruments, group singing and solo performance were a part of the program.The session came to a close with the vote of thanks proposed by the Vice Principal. Our Principal honoured the Chief Guest with a shawl as a token of respect and appreciation.

Alagappa schools conducted the Science project day on January 20th, 2024.
60 models were displayed by our students of grade lll to lX. Students of grade l to lX visited the exhibition along with their teachers.
Based on the decision of judges, top 3 models were selected for prize worthy.
1. Aquaponics - Pragadeeshwaran.M (IX-C).
2. Layers of atmosphere - Afrid Ali.Y (Vll-D).
3. Hemodialysis - Malani.M(lX-A).

Gokul Pandyan of class 12C, won gold medal in 200mts Running in the ongoing KHELO INDIA Youth games.

Gokul Pandyan of class 12C, won silver medal in 100mts Running in the ongoing KHELO INDIA Youth Games.

Chennai Alagappa Schools Quiz Team won the 2nd prize which was presented by Mr. Pal Durai and Mr. G. R. Sridharan, at the Techfest’23, Karaikudi.

Dharshan Priyan of Alagappa Schools has clinched Gold medal at the 2023 SGFI 67th National Level School JUDO Championship held in Jammu and Kashmir.
Ashwin has won the Bronze medal in the 50kg weight category in the JUDO competition.
Chennai Alagappa Schools students made history by winning the gold for Tamil Nadu for the first time.

The kindergarten children proudly celebrated the historic feat by the ISRO, ISRO successfully launched Chandrayaan. It was such an euphoric moment to witness the achievements of India.

Colours Day
On 21 July, Colours Day was celebrated by the tiny tots of our school (playschool, JRM, and SRM) with a captivating focus on green, red, and yellow. The event overflowed with exhilaration and joy as students adorned themselves in this striking combination, creating an atmosphere filled with prosperity, energy and positivity. The mesmerizing spectacle left everyone in awe and will be etched in our memoriesforever.

Ganesh Chathurthi
The celebration started with a colorfully decorated statue of Ganesha. Children were dressed up as Lord Ganesha, Lord Mitigation, Lord Siva, and Parvarti on this occasion.

Independence Day
The KG students celebrated the 77th Independence Day, a joyous event filled with patriotic spirit and enthusiasm. The event was meticulously organized to instill a sense of national pride and independence among the future generation.

KG Reopening Day
The KG reopening day was on 15 June. It was a memorable and impactful event, which sets a positive tone for their educational journey and helps to create a welcoming and engaging environment for their learning and growth.

Krishna Jayanthi
Children were dressed up as Krishna and Radha on this occasion. Children were enlightened about the importance of Janmashtami, the birth of Lord Krishna, and his playful childhood days.

Literary Competition
The kindergarten department conducted a literary competition in English and Tamil, unveiling the profound influence of speech. Children's enthusiastic participation reflected their knowledge and innovative thinking, nurturing language skills. This annual event celebrates linguistic excellence with mementos, fostering passion for language and self-expression.

Nutrition Day
Highlighting the pivotal role of nutrition in promoting well-being, the Nutrition Day celebration on 7 September was a resounding success. We are dedicated to spreading awareness about the essential nature of nutritious food. Notably, our kindergarten children wowed us with endearing and enlightening speeches, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful dietary choices.

Onam Celebration
The Onam celebration included a number of cultural events like dance, making flower tangelo, and an elaborate feast with sumptuous dishes.

The Inauguration ceremony of the Interact Club of Alagappa Schools was successfully held on 22 July, 2023 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore, Chennai. “UNIFY” was the first ever combined installation of 27 RCM Interact Clubs.The Guests of Honor of the event were Rtn.AKS Ravi Raman, District Governor, RID 3232, Rtn.N.S.Saravanan, District Governor Elect, RID 3234 and Rtn.Vinod Saraogi, District Governor Nominee, RID 3234.

The President Collar was passed on from the Outgoing President Itr.Dravid to the Incoming President Itr. Shenaaz Fareen in the presence of Rtn.Ravi Sundaresan, President, RCM.

This was followed by the Rotarians Rtn.Shivakumar Vellur, Chairman Interact - Zone 2, RCM, Rtn.IPP Jayashree Sridhar, Chairman Interact - Zone 3, RCM presenting the new office bearers with their badges.Then the annual report of the year 2022-23 was presented by the Itr. Shenaaz Fareen.

Photo of Rtn.Ravi Sundaresan President, RCM, Rtn.Shivakumar Vellur, Chairman Interact - Zone 2, RCM and the Guests of Honors with Our Alagappa Interact Cub Faculty Coordinator Miss.Shalini, Interact President and team.

The Literary Club of Alagappa School functions with the objective to encourage students to give free expression to their ideas through various creative ideas. The activities of this club are planned to augment the output of the members of the club and thereby imparting these values to the student community as a whole. The literary capabilities inherent in the students need to be chiseled out to give flair to their creative aptitude. The literary club program of our school was held on 30th August 2023 at our school. Mrs.K.M Vijaya Bharathi Director of Alphic Phonics Academy was invited as a chief guest. A special brainstorming session was conducted by the honourable chief guest through which students understood the impact and importance of learning English.

Rotary Club of Madras ( RCM ) initiated an impact making program involving school children from the 27 Interact Clubs to indulge in social activities like neighbourhood clean-ups, environmental awareness activities, moral policing, and traffic. This program for the school children was inaugurated by Dr.J.Radhakrishnan IAS, Commissioner Corporation of Greater Chennai. Alagappa Schools Interact Club members joined hands with the Rotary Club of Madras Streetscape Program by adopting a street and transforming the ambience and living conditions of the street.

Our student Interactors volunteered in creating an eco-conscious environment by planting saplings, nurturing it and maintaining it to stand firm as trees. The program was initiated with the great support of Our School Trustee and Director Mr.G.Naresh Kumar, Principal Mrs.K.S.Revati, Head Mistress Mrs.Reena Rai and Vice principal Mrs.Sabiha Sultana.